  • 出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • ISBN:9780547534268
  • 頁數:152頁
  • 字數:50000字
  • 難易度:難
This is a story about an orphan named Tree-ear, who lived under a bridge with Crane-man, a physically disabled man who took him in and had a hard time. Tree-ear always sneaked up to watch the famous potter, Min, throw clay. He hoped one day he would throw clay and turned it into beauty like Min.
One day, Tree-ear broke Min's work accidentally. He offered to work for Min as payment, which allowed him more chance to get close to Min and his dream. There was a royal emissary called Kim getting to Ch'ulp'o with a mission to offer royal commissions to the best potters. Unfortunately, he was attracted by an inlay work of another potter, Kang, and eventually chose him. However, before leaving, the emissary offered to give Min a commission if he could bring a sample, using the inlay work, to the capital city, Songdo, but Min thought that he was too old for such a trip. Tree-ear overheard it. Tree-ear decided to do it for Min to pay back the kindness of Min's wife to him.
Tree-ear set off alone with two sample vases.
有一天,Tree-ear不小心打破了Min的作品,為了彌補錯誤,他就提議以工作來償還Min的損失。讓他有了和Min接近的機會,也讓他更接近了他的夢想。有位皇家密使來到Ch'ulp'o,要為皇室挑選最好的陶藝家。很不幸地,這個皇室密使卻被另一個陶藝家Kang的鑲嵌工藝吸引,最後選擇了他為皇室服務。然而,在臨走之前,這位密使大人告訴Min,如果Min能夠製作鑲嵌工藝的作品並帶至Songdo給他看,他就會任命Min為皇家服務, 但是Min認為他自己太老了無法承受旅途勞累。Tree-ear無意間聽到,就提議要替Min把樣品送到Songdo,這樣一來也可以報答Min老婆對他的仁慈。
1. When learning it was hard for Min to take his inlay works to Songdo, Tree-ear decided to go instead of Min. Tree-ear showed his gratitude in this way. Take a deep thinking, what do you usually do to show your gratitude to others in your life?
當得知Min年紀太大以致於無法將鑲嵌工藝作品帶到首都時, Tree-ear決定代替他去,他藉著這件事來報恩。想看看在你的人生中,你都用什麼方式報答別人的恩情?
2. Tree-ear worked hard on his life and work. In your life, how do you achieve your personal goal?
Tree-ear 在面對他的人生及工作時,都展現了高度的努力,在你的人生中,你如何去達到你的個人目標呢?
3. In the story, Crane-man not only took care of Tree-ear but also encouraged him to be positive and active in everything. Think about what your attitude is toward your life and learning.