  • 出版社:Particular Books
  • ISBN:9780141986005
  • 頁數:212頁
  • 字數:25000字
  • 難易度:難
Instead of the traditional fairy tales, the writer collected 100 great stories of 100 outstanding ladies from different fields and different eras in this book. It might inspire you to realize your potential through reading the stories of these heroic ladies who have changed the world in some way.
1. What comes to your mind when someone mentions “hero” or “heroic”?
2. What comes to your mind when someone mentions “women” or “girls”?
3. Have you ever been treated differently just because of your race or gender? How did you respond to it?
你是否曾經因為自己的種族或是性別而受到差別待遇? 如果有,你如何回應這樣的狀況呢?
4. Do you agree that some races are superior to the others? Why or why not?
你是否同意有些種族的確比其他種族優越? 請說明你的看法。
5. Do you know any other heroic lady? What is her story?
你是否認識其他女英雄? 請和我們分享她的故事。
6. After reading this book, does it change your points of view on “women” or “girls”?
7. What might be the authors' creation purpose of this book? Please share your points of view with us.
作者想要創作這本書的原因可能是什麼? 請分享你的看法。