  • 出版社:Puffin
  • ISBN:9780142410318
  • 頁數:155頁
  • 字數:28500字
  • 難易度:難
Willy Wonka has the largest chocolate factory in the world. For years, no one has seen any workers coming in or out of the factory, but the strong smell of the chocolate has kept coming out of it.
Willy Wonka intends to hold a big event—he hides five Golden Tickets in the wrappers of the chocolate bars sold to the world, and only five lucky people with the tickets will have the chance to enter his mysterious factory.
Charlie, the protagonist of the story, lives with his parents and four grandparents in a small house near the factory, and the whole family only lives on his father's little income. Charlie is lucky enough to get one of the five Golden Tickets. At first, he plans to sell it to relieve his family's financial hardship, but after a talk with Grandpa Joe, Charlie finally chooses to visit the factory. The other four lucky kids are Augustus, Veruca, Violet and Mike.
Each of the kids starts their adventure with one or two of their family members at last. The factory is full of temptations, and they are attracted by different temptations except Charlie. He finally finishes the tour.
During the tour, Mr. Wonka talks about his childhood experiences. His father never lets him eat any candy or chocolate, and reminds him that sweets can damage his teeth. Eventually, Willy Wonka chooses to leave his family and sets up this chocolate factory. At the end of the tour, Mr. Wonka reveals his true purpose...
Willy Wonka擁有世界最大的巧克力工廠,多年來沒有人看過有任何工人從工廠進出,但濃郁的巧克力香氣卻持續從裡面散發出來。
Willy Wonka打算辦一個大活動—他把五張金券藏在銷售到世界各地巧克力棒的包裝內,而只有五個幸運擁有金券的人有這個機會進入他的神祕工廠。
在參觀過程中,Mr. Wonka講述了他的童年經歷。他的父親從不讓他吃任何糖果或巧克力,並時時提醒他甜食對牙齒的傷害。最後Willy Wonka選擇離開家裡,開了這間巧克力工廠。在參觀行程終了時,Mr. Wonka才說出了他真正的目的。
1. Do you like sweets? If so, what sweets do you like? If not, why don't you like them?
2. You look forward to having something, but so far you still don't save enough money to buy one. You see the thing in the window of a store on your way to school every day. How do you feel?
3. Everyone is unique in their own way. Use three to five sentences to describe your or your good friend's appearance and personality. Share them with the class.
4. If you have a chance to open a store of your own, what store would you like to open?
5. You've got a chance to visit a place that you've dreamed about for a long time. You can choose to visit it or give away this chance for an amount of money in order to help ease your financial pressure. Which will you choose? And why?