  • 出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc
  • ISBN:9780399559181
  • 頁數:401頁
  • 字數:19000字
  • 難易度:難
This book is a collection of 365 precepts, one precept for each day of the year. The precepts were chosen by the English teacher, Mr. Browne, in “Wonder.” Mr. Browne has collected precepts since he came across a wonderful line in a book he was reading. He then introduced precepts to his students to get them interested in writing, and he also encouraged them to come up with their own precepts.
本書收集了365個格言。一年之中,一天一則。這些是由《奇蹟男孩》中的英文老師—Mr. Browne所挑選的格言。自從Mr. Browne在書中讀到一句超棒的格言,之後便開始收集格言介紹給他的學生,讓他們對寫作產生興趣,同時也鼓勵學生創造自己的格言。
1. Share your favorite lines from books you've read or movies!
2. After reading the part of “Choosing Kind,” what would you choose when given the choice between being right or being kind? Why?
讀完〈Choosing Kind〉之後,在對與善的選擇上,你的選擇是什麼?為甚麼?
3. What fictional heroes can you think of that stand for each of the following virtues—wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance?
4. What is your favorite precept in this book?
5. Try to come up with your own precept and share it with others!