  • 出版社:Scholastic
  • ISBN:9780531227602
  • 頁數:32頁
  • 字數:1528字
  • 難易度:中
With global warming and climate change becoming more and more serious, people's awareness of environmental protection is growing. As a member of the earth, what can we do to help? Through this book, young children are introduced to the three Rs - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. They can learn that taking action can be as simple as recyling bottles and cans or bringing reusable bags to the supermarket. More information about environmental protection can be found in this book.
隨著全球暖化和氣候變遷日趨嚴重,人們對環境保護的意識也在逐漸成長。身為地球的一員,我們可以提供什麼幫助?透過本書,孩子們可以學到三R的觀念:減少垃圾、重複使用和回收。 他們可以知道採取行動就像是回收瓶罐或是去超市購物時使用購物袋一樣的簡單。讀者可從書中得到更多有關環保的知識。
1. There are several ways of practicing environmental protection mentioned in this book. Have you ever tried some of them? Please share your experience with us.
2. As for those ways that you haven't tried before, are you willing to try them after reading this book? And why?
3. After reading the book, what other things can you think of to help protect the earth?