  • 出版社:Childs Play Intl Ltd
  • ISBN:9780859530125
  • 頁數:32頁
  • 字數:169字
  • 難易度:易
One day, the little mouse feels very happy because he picks a red, ripe strawberry. However, someone tells him there is a big, hungry bear that loves red, ripe strawberries very much. The little mouse will do everything to save his strawberry from the big, hungry bear. What will the little mouse do to protect the strawberry? Who is giving the little mouse advice? Will the big, hungry bear take the strawberry away? What will happen to the red, ripe strawberry at last?
有一天,小老鼠很開心地摘採了一顆鮮美的草莓。但是有人告訴他,有一隻又大又餓的熊也很愛鮮美的草莓。小老鼠願意做任何的事情來保護他的鮮美草莓,不讓又大又餓的熊吃掉。小老鼠會做些什麼來保護他的草莓? 是誰對小老鼠不斷給予建議? 又大又餓的熊是否會奪走小老鼠的草莓? 這顆鮮美的草莓最後又會如何呢?
1. What fruit is your favorite? Please name five.
你最喜歡的水果是什麼? 請說出五樣。
2. Is it wonderful to share your favorite fruit with your friends?
3. What is the best way to enjoy your favorite fruit?
4. If you were the little mouse, what would you do to save the red, ripe strawberry?
5. If you were the little mouse, would you listen to the one who is giving you advice?
6. What will happen to the red, ripe strawberry at last?