  • 出版社:Dragonfly
  • ISBN:9780385755511
  • 頁數:29頁
  • 字數:746字
  • 難易度:易
A real mouse which nobody liked and a toy mouse that everyone loved became friends. The real mouse wanted to be popular, so he went to ask a lizard for help. However, his friend was in danger and needed help, too. He had only one chance. What would he do?
1. What will you do when you see your friends are in danger?
\n當朋友遇到危險時, 你會怎麼做呢?
\n2. If you were Alexander, will you make the same choice?
\n3.What do you learn from this story?
\n4. What is your favorite part of this story? Why?
\n在這個故事中,你最喜歡哪個部分? 為什麼?
\n5. Is this a happy ending or a sad ending story? How do you know that?
\n這是個喜劇還是悲劇收場的故事呢? 你又是從哪裡看出來的呢?