  • 出版社:Random House Childrens Books
  • ISBN:9780375834950
  • 頁數:63頁
  • 字數:692字
  • 難易度:易
The story is about an unnamed character who is asked to taste a special dish, the green eggs and ham, by another leading character, Sam-I-am. Sam-I-am keeps following him through many different types of places and with different dining partners and just tries to talk him into trying it. Will Sam-I-am succeed in the end? Will the unnamed character change his mind?
本書的主角被Sam-I-Am不斷地要求品嚐一道特殊的菜餚-綠色的雞蛋和火腿。為了說服主角去品嘗這道菜,Sam-I-am一直追著他,經過了許多不同的地方,也遇到了不同的夥伴。 Sam-I-am最終會成功嗎? 我們的主角會改變心意嗎?
1. If you are the leading role, will you try the green eggs and ham in the beginning? If not, are you willing to try it after hearing Sam-I-am's advice?
2. In the real world, are you willing to try anything new? Or will you say no even if you haven't tried it? Are your family or friends likely to change your idea about it?
3. Is it possible for you to refuse to do something, just because someone you dislike likes it?
4. If someone says no to you, what will you do next? Will you just give up or do something to change his/her mind?
如果有人拒絕你,你接下來會怎麼做? 你會直接放棄或做些什麼事來改變他/她的想法?
5. Do you know rhymes and how they are presented?